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Current Issue

Design study

Considerations on crest settlement reservation in face slab dams design

2007, 0 (4): 1-3   

Strain,stress and seepage safety monitoring at Longtan roller compacted concrete dam

2007, 0 (4): 4-7   

Operation management

Discussion on the sustainable development of Shilianghe reservoir

2007, 0 (4): 8-11   

Safety evaluation of a small- sized arch damand lessons

2007, 0 (4): 12-16   

Research on flood prevention emergency equipments applied at small - sized reservoirs

2007, 0 (4): 17-19   

Sediment reduction and reinforcement measures for reservoirs in the south Ningxia

2007, 0 (4): 20-21   

Monitoring instrument

Application and improvement of double- metal marks in dam vertical displacement measurement

2007, 0 (4): 22-24   

Discussion on the application of anchor load cells

2007, 0 (4): 25-27   

Data analysis

Study on statistics model for analysis of frost heaving deformation of concrete dams

2007, 0 (4): 28-32   

Modeling of Partial Least- Squared Regression and genetic algorithm in dam safety monitoring analysis

2007, 0 (4): 33-35   

Cause analysis and effect of gallery cracks on dam block 19 at Shaxikou dam

2007, 0 (4): 36-38   

Cause analysis of dam foundation uplift pressure anomaly and treatment methods

2007, 0 (4): 39-43   

Detection technology

Application of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in cracks detection on the second dam crest at Lianhua dam

2007, 0 (4): 44-46   

The use of JX- 4C digital photogrammetric systemin actual cases

2007, 0 (4): 47-50   

Construction technology

Technics experiment of the concrete anti- seepage wall at Lucun reservoir

2007, 0 (4): 51-53   


Anti- carbonization of the concrete at sluice chamber of the Dahongmen sluice

2007, 0 (4): 54-55   

Treatment for cracks on piers of the spillway at Hongmen hydropower station

2007, 0 (4): 56-59   

Summary of the secondary stage anti- seepage treatment project at Luowan dam

2007, 0 (4): 60-65