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Technics experiment of the concrete anti- seepage wall at Lucun reservoir

LIU Wen- sheng   

  • Online:2007-08-28 Published:2007-08-28



  1. 广德县卢村水库工程管理处, 安徽广德 242200

Abstract: Drilling- clawing to formtrench, extracting- barrel to clean hole, joint tube to connect trench and concrete construction by direct pipe method were adopted in the rehabilitation project of concrete anti- seepage wall at Lucun reservoir. The methods were proved feasible and it met the design requirements. This paper analysed these methods, for reference to similar projects.

摘要: 分析了卢村水库除险加固混凝土防渗墙工程采用“钻抓法”成槽、“抽桶法”清孔、“接头管法”槽段连接、“水下直升导管法”浇筑混凝土施工工艺的有效可行性, 满足设计和规范要求, 对相似条件下同类工程施工具有参考意义。