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Cause analysis of dam foundation uplift pressure anomaly and treatment methods

HU Zi - jun   

  • Online:2007-08-28 Published:2007-08-28



  1. 响洪甸水电站, 安徽金寨 237335

Abstract: Because of lowflood prevention ability, higher damfoundation uplift pressure than standard and the uncertainty of the fault F2 , damsafety and stability was effected. As a result, Xianghongdian reservoir damwas classified as Grade 3. This paper introduced the investigation test of damfoundation uplift pressure, analysed the cause reason and advanced the treatment advice.

摘要: 响洪甸水库大坝被评定为三类坝, 其最主要原因是该库的防洪能力不足、大坝坝基扬压力过高和F2 断层难以确定, 严重影响大坝的安全稳定。本文主要对坝基扬压力过高的探查试验情况进行介绍, 对产生的原因进行分析, 并提出了处理方案的设想。