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Sediment reduction and reinforcement measures for reservoirs in the south Ningxia

LU Li - guo and ZHOU Ling   

  • Online:2007-08-28 Published:2007-08-28


陆立国1, 周玲2   

  1. 1.宁夏水利科学研究所, 宁夏银川 750021; 2.银川市西夏区国土资源水务局, 宁夏银川750021

Abstract: By analysis, research and summary of the sediment deposition of reservoirs in south Ningxia mountainous areas, this article advanced measures for sediment reduction and reservoir reinforcement, for greater economic profit and prevention of soil erosion, as well as entironment improvement.

摘要: 对宁夏南部山区中小型水库淤积情况进行分析、研究和总结, 提出了水库减淤加固的防治措施, 为宁夏中小型水库经济效益的发挥和减少水土流失, 改善生态环境提供参考依据。