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Treatment for cracks on piers of the spillway at Hongmen hydropower station

JIANG Gui- rong and GUO Wen- quan   

  • Online:2007-08-28 Published:2007-08-28


江桂荣, 郭文泉   

  1. 江西三和洪门水力发电厂, 江西鹰潭 335000

Abstract: There are lots of vertical and horizontal cracks on piers of the spillway at Hongmen hydropower station. Those cracks affected the integrity of piers as well as spillway' s smooth running. Thus, treatment was carried out and obtained good effect.

摘要: 洪门水电站溢洪道闸墩存在许多垂直和水平裂缝, 破坏了闸墩的整体性, 影响溢洪道的安全运行, 因此对裂缝进行了处理, 取得了明显效果。