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Study on statistics model for analysis of frost heaving deformation of concrete dams

ZHANG Jin- ping, LU Zheng- chao, LI Li- bing and et al.   

  • Online:2007-08-28 Published:2007-08-28


张进平, 卢正超, 黎利兵, 赵春, 李素梅   

  1. 中国水利水电科学研究院结构材料所, 北京 100038

Abstract: In this paper, freezing factors in the statistics model of frost heaving deformation were improved through the mechanism analysis of frost heaving deformation of concrete dams. The factors group consists of two kinds of factors, they are period function factors of given period and given initial angle and air temperature hysteresis effect factors. The improved models were used in the analysis of crest displacement of Fengman dam. It showed that newmodels have four advantages as following: a) they are better than traditional ones in terms of fit goodnessZ b) they have clearer physical meaning so that they can be used to explain ″two- peak″phenomenon in the past yearsZ c) they can be used to directly analyze the effect of the seasonal frost heaving and to estimate the varying scopeZ d) the reservoir- level component or the time component is close to that in traditional model. Totally, the newmodel is effective. This method can be used for analysis of frost heaving deformation of concrete damlike Fengman dam, as well as for aging evaluation.

摘要: 通过对混凝土大坝冻胀变形机制的分析, 本文对冻胀变形统计分析模型的冰冻因子的构成进行了改进, 采用了定周期、定初始角的周期函数因子和气温滞后作用因子等两类因子构成冻胀变形的因子集。对丰满大坝坝顶廊道真空激光准直典型位移测值的模型分析表明, 改进的统计模型具有以下特点: (1) 拟合效果优于或接近传统模型; (2)模型的物理意义更为明确合理, 可以较好地解释历年“双峰”现象。温度分量仅反映传统意义上的简谐温度场变化所产生的结构变形, 温度分量的变幅及相位可以正常地得到反映; (3) 可以对季节性冻胀的影响进