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Research on flood prevention emergency equipments applied at small - sized reservoirs

WU Ming   

  • Online:2007-08-28 Published:2007-08-28



  1. 浙江省水利水电投资集团公司,浙江杭州 310020

Abstract: By research on the danger elimination methods applied at small- sized reservoirs in flood seasons, the article proposed special- purpose flood prevention equipments for the small reservoir whose average daily discharge is 15×104 m3, and analyzed its performance characteristic. Further more, the equipments were applied into water level lowering and loss reduction.

摘要: 通过对近年来各类小型水库在汛期出现的多种险情排除方法的研究, 提出了平均日强排水量达15×104 m3 的小型水库排水专用成套防洪防汛装备构造, 分析了其性能特点, 并把研制成的设备用于实地抢险, 以达到有效降低水库水位消除险情、最大限度减小水库洪涝灾害损失的目标。