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Current Issue

Special paper

On sustaining development of hydropower dam safety management

2003, 0 (1): 3-5   


Pre-warning system and emergency preparation plan of dam safety management

2003, 0 (1): 6-9   

Measurement principle of GPS and its application in hydropower projects

2003, 0 (1): 10-13   

Analysis on status quo of magazine of Dam and Safety

2003, 0 (1): 14-17   

Reservoir regulation

Risk operation of reservoir during flood period

2003, 0 (1): 18-21   

Information technology

Development of dam safety monitoringinfo system based on 3-level structure

2003, 0 (1): 22-24   

Application of Web in to reservoir info system construction

2003, 0 (1): 25-26   

Monitoring automation

Dam monitoring automation system of hydropower stations in Northeast China

2003, 0 (1): 27-29   

Internal vertical deformation automation monitoring system for earth dams

2003, 0 (1): 30-32   

Data analysis

Behavior analysis of Three Gorges Project shiplift dam block during construction

2003, 0 (1): 33-35   

Data analysis on deformation moniloring of Dahua Dam

2003, 0 (1): 36-37   

Analysis on stress changes in Lishimen Arch Dam

2003, 0 (1): 38-42   

New technology

Research on underwater detection and imaging technology

2003, 0 (1): 43-46   

Study on dam instruments application under high water pressure

2003, 0 (1): 47-48   


Application of CFRP into rehabilitation of hydropower projects

2003, 0 (1): 49-52   

Leakage treatment for structure cracks in 3rd grade lock of Wuqiangxi Powerplant

2003, 0 (1): 53-54   

Grouting treatment and its effect analysis of Bashan Reservoir

2003, 0 (1): 55-56   

Gate testing

Safety detection of work gate in overflow dam of Yilihe 2nd Hydropower Station

2003, 0 (1): 57-58   

Practice of setting discharge emergency gate in Majitang Dam

2003, 0 (1): 59-60