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Data analysis on deformation moniloring of Dahua Dam

Xu Jian-qing and XIE Jin-ji   

  • Published:2003-02-28



  1. 1.国家电力公司大坝安全监察中心,杭州 310014;2.广西桂冠大化水力发电总厂,广西大化530800

Abstract: Based on the analysis of dam deformation monitoring data of Dahua Dam,the horizontal displacement, vertical displacement, joint change and its influented factor are presented in this paper. The authors also have made an explanation to the physical reasons of some monitoring variables.?

摘要: 通对对大化水电站大坝变形监测资料的分析,揭示出大坝水平位移、垂直位移及接缝的变化规律及影响因素,对某些临测量的物理成囚做了解释,为今后太坝安全管理提供有益的依据。