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Risk operation of reservoir during flood period

Li Wan-xu   

  • Published:2003-02-28



  1. 石泉水电厂,陕西石泉 725200

Abstract: Based on the theory of risk operation,risk operation method during flood period is proposed. Firstly, flood period is divided into three stages, then, aimed at rising limb and falling limb, flood control model is established using the objective of maximizing profit. This method can apply to reservoir with poor regulation capacity,and is easy to operate, adaptability is also powerful, and exatra profit is notable.?

摘要: 根据风险调度原理,本文提出了水库洪水期风险调度方法。首先,根据洪水期调度过程将洪水期划分为三个阶段;其次,针对涨水段和退水段,建立了以获得效益为主的洪水调度方法。该方法适用调节性能较差的水库,且易于操作,适应眭强,获得的超额效益显著。