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Study on dam instruments application under high water pressure

Shen Sheng-san,Zhang De-kang and Xu Xiao-le   

  • Published:2003-02-28



  1. 南京电力自动化设备总厂,南京 210003

Abstract: Along with the construction of high dams, it became a scientific task for dam instruments how to suit for the special working condition of high water pressure. This paper introduced the studying progress on instruments of high pressure and extra-high pressure with the principle of internal and external pressure balance. According to the performance of high pressure in stru ments, it provided the new and applicable specification for dam instruments.?

摘要: 大坝仪器是大坝安全监测系统中的重要组成部分。随着高坝的不断兴建,大坝仪器如何适应高水压这样一个特殊的工作条件已成为必须研究的一个课题。本文介绍了基于内外压力平衡原理的高压仪器、超高压仪器的研究情况,根据高压仪器的工作性态对大坝仪器提出了一些新的又适合实际的技术要求,为高压下大坝监测数据的准确、可靠提供了可能。