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Current Issue

Design study

Improvement of freezing-thawing resistance of marine and hydraulic concrete by polyurea

2010, 0 (5): 1-5   

Some key technical issues in expansion project of masonry gravity dam

2010, 0 (5): 6-9   

Selection of powerhouse position and design of structures arrangement at Xiazhien hydropower station

2010, 0 (5): 10-12   

Anti-seepage treatment design of asphalt concrete core dam of Majiagou reservoir

2010, 0 (5): 13-16   

Operation management

Discussion on harmony between dam risk criteria and government decision-making

2010, 0 (5): 17-19   

Current flood insurance on the key issues of system-construction in China

2010, 0 (5): 20-25   

Learning lessons for dam safety management from risk mismanaging ways in Wall Street

2010, 0 (5): 26-30   

Research on freeze-thaw damage of concrete structures in cold area and its prevention

2010, 0 (5): 31-32   

Analysis on influence of small hydropower stations upstream on Lubuge dam safety

2010, 0 (5): 33-35   

Data analysis

Analysis on the seepage and stability of Shengli reservoir dam

2010, 0 (5): 36-40   

Comparison of data monitored by man and machine at Fengjiashan reservoir

2010, 0 (5): 41-42   

Construction technology

Application of non-electrical relay sectional blasting technology in removal of intake rock bank at Xianghongdian reservoir

2010, 0 (5): 43-45   


Analysis on water pressure test of curtain grouting in dam anti-seepage rehabilitation

2010, 0 (5): 46-48   

Metal structure

Behavior assessment of Shuikou lock after comprehensive reinforcement

2010, 0 (5): 49-52   

Some issues in the overhaul of gantry crane

2010, 0 (5): 53-55   

Technology information overseas

Iside Center——to manage dam safety and surveillance in the south of Italy

2010, 0 (5): 56-60   

Report on Taum Sauk pumped storage project——failure process and reason analysis

2010, 0 (5): 61-66