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Anti-seepage treatment design of asphalt concrete core dam of Majiagou reservoir

MA Xin-ping   

  • Online:2010-10-28 Published:2010-10-28



  1. 黄河勘测规划设计有限公司,河南郑州 450003

Abstract: Since impoundment of Majiagou reservoir in 2003, the seepage at the asphalt concrete core gravel dam had been serious. Anti-seepage treatments were carried out twice, but the leakage was still large. Inspection and data analysis showed that the core, the mat concrete gullet and the shallow bedrock made up the seepage passageway. The overall concrete cut-off wall deep into the bedrock was adopted in the anti-seepage treatment design, which reduced the seepage and enhanced the project safety, as well, expected effect was achieved.

摘要: 马家沟水库沥青混凝土心墙石渣坝2003年蓄水以来,大坝渗漏严重,先后经历两次防渗处理,其渗漏量依然偏大,检测和资料分析表明坝体心墙、垫座混凝土齿槽和浅层基岩为渗漏通道。设计采用深入基岩的混凝土防渗墙整体防渗,减少了大坝渗漏,提高了工程运用安全性,防渗处理取得了预期效果。