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Discussion on harmony between dam risk criteria and government decision-making

ZHOU Ke-fa and TANG Shou-jiang   

  • Online:2010-10-28 Published:2010-10-28



  1. 1.南京水利科学研究院,江苏南京 210029;2.水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,江苏南京 210029;3.门楼水库管理局,山东烟台 264000

Abstract: First, basic meanings of dam risk criteria and government decision-making were introduced. Then, the relation of dam risk criteria and government decision-making in harmony was discussed, in aspects such as the socio-economic development level, government's dominance, public and media's enthusiasm and research on the technology of dam risk assessment and management. In order to achieve this harmonious relation, it should be made clear that the enhancement of socio-economic development level was the basis, government's dominance was the key, public and media's active participation was the power, research on the technology of dam risk assessment and management was the technical support. Finally, some recommendations were given for the in-depth research on the relation of dam risk criteria and government decision-making.

摘要: 介绍了大坝风险标准与政府决策的基本含义,从社会经济发展水平、政府的主导性、公众及媒体的积极性、大坝风险评价与管理技术研究等多个方面论述了大坝风险标准与政府决策的和谐统一,认为大坝风险标准与政府决策和谐统一的基础是提高社会经济发展水平,关键是政府主导,动力是公众及媒体积极参与,技术支撑是大坝风险评价与管理研究,最后对大坝风险标准与政府决策关系的深入研究提出了建议。