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Learning lessons for dam safety management from risk mismanaging ways in Wall Street

Samuel LIN   

  • Online:2010-10-28 Published:2010-10-28



Abstract: Harvard Business Review (March 2009) summarized six ways that Wall Street companies had ignored or mismanaged risks which largely resulted in the 2008 global financial crisis. To avoid the same way, dam safety practitioners need to learn from the mistakes made by these companies. In addition, the risk-informed decision making approach is considered an effective tool to legitimately mange risks for dam safety to a tolerable risk level.

摘要: 2008年全球金融危机的形成,就宏观的管理概念而言,是美国华尔街营运风险控管步入歧途的后果。这场造成世界经济严重衰退的风暴也为大坝安全管理人员在大坝安全风险管控方面起了警示作用。首先要冷静、客观地研究、了解、认识华尔街金融操作风险问题的核心所在,应用在大坝安全管理方面才能正确有效地理顺风险意识,建立风险控管机制。