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Some key technical issues in expansion project of masonry gravity dam

ZHANG Yan-cheng, ZHAO Liang-min and YANG Zhao-jun   

  • Online:2010-10-28 Published:2010-10-28



  1. 1.庄河市水库移民后期扶持工作办公室,辽宁大连 116400;2.庄河市水土保持站,辽宁大连1164000

Abstract: There were some differences between expansion and new construction projects. This paper, combined with the expansion of large concrete masonry gravity dam on Yingna river, introduced some key technical points such as design and optimization of the diversion, excavation, the treatment of interface and temperature control, for reference.

摘要: 水库扩建工程与新建工程存在一些技术差异。结合英那河水库大型混凝土砌石重力坝加高培厚工程实践,介绍了该工程导流方案的设计和优化、开挖、新老结合面的技术处理及采取的温控措施等,供类似工程参考。