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Application of non-electrical relay sectional blasting technology in removal of intake rock bank at Xianghongdian reservoir

WANG Yan-hai   

  • Online:2010-10-28 Published:2010-10-28



  1. 安徽省响洪甸水库管理处,安徽六安 237335

Abstract: In July 2009, the dam rehabilitation of Xianghongdian reservoir was carried out. The rock bank which was taken as the construction weir of spillway tunnel must be removed in April 2010. In the process, the requirements for flow capacity must be met and not preventing water. As complicated conditions around, non-electrical relay sectional blasting technology was adopted, which didn’t cause any damage to structures nearby and was of good effect.

摘要: 2009年7月,响洪甸水库除险加固工程正式开工,采用预留挡水岩坎作为新建泄洪隧洞进口施工围堰,围堰工程量为8 250 m3,并需在2010年4月拆除施工围堰,水库开始蓄水。围堰拆除断面必须满足过流要求,不得存在阻水现象,且爆破必须一次松动到位。围堰周围环境复杂,爆破不得损坏周围已建设施和建筑物,采取非电接力分段爆破技术成功解决了上述问题。