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Abstract72)      PDF (205KB)(793)      
Stress analysis and reinforcement design on the outlet of deep hole in TGP
Abstract62)      PDF (234KB)(409)      
It brings many difficulties to the construction because of the large size(7 m×9 m)of the outlet of deep hole for flood sluicing,high hydraulic pressure(80 m) and high level of the outlet tensile stress, many steel bars must being installed and installed on many lays.By means of the finite element analysis, the deep hole structure plan, steel liner in the pressure section plan and the transverse joint grouting plan are deeply researched in order to decrease the outlet tensile stress and reduces the lays of the steel bars. It is clear that the tensile stress decreased when the outlet are under the lateral hydraulic press of the transverse joint. There are 3 layers of steel bars Φ36@20 in the outlet in front of the well of emergency gate, 4 layers of steel bars Φ40@20 in the top of the outlet behind the well and 3 layers of steel bars Φ40@20 in the bottom of the outlet. These steel bars can be dispersed in 2 concrete lifts. The steel liner in the pressure section can limit the slits. The transverse joint grouting can decrease the outlet tensile stress, and the effect has a relationship to the stiffness of outlet wainscot and the width of transverse joint.
Study on AT based on UAV images in alpine gorge region
WU Lei, ZHAO Xing-ying and CHEN Guang
Abstract70)      PDF (329KB)(367)      
This paper introduces the principle of the common camera calibration and the distortion correct of UAV images. Then it introduces the workflow of AT based on UAV images in alpine gorge region. Finally, with specific example, it discusses the technology of AT based on UAV images in alpine gorge region.
2014, 0 (3): 27-30.
Abstract186)      PDF (420KB)(390)      
Influence of flood discharging rain and fog to operation of hydropower station and its counter-measures
Abstract66)      PDF (394KB)(638)      
The destructive power of flood discharging rain and fog is so great that many accidents happened such as downstream traffic block, damage of electrical equipments, outage of power generators and flooding of power house.As well, penetration of the rain and fog induced large-scale downstream landslide of slope.To prevent any more damage, reasonable layout and related protection measures was critical in design, and prototype observation should be strengthened in operation. Practice showed that the reasonable opening of gate was an important non-engineering measure to decrease and prevent the influence of flood discharging rain and fog.
Research on claim opportunity identification based on cost and schedule analysis in international hydropower projects#br#
CHEN Zhen, XIAO Bian, YAO Yating and MA Jialie
Abstract44)      PDF (301KB)(1119)      
Claim opportunity identification is the key part of claim management. This paper focuses on the application of cost and schedule analysis to international projects. Combined with theoretical analysis and case study, the paper elaborates claim opportunity identification.
2021, 0 (5): 24-.
Application of wet welding technology in underwater engineering
Abstract74)      PDF (312KB)(321)      
This paper deals with the application of wet welding technology in underwater construction. In this paper, blind welding, cold shortness and hydrogen brittleness are mainly discussed as the major problems arising in underwater wet welding. Some advanced welding procedure, welding rod, welding pressure, welding variable etc to solve these problems and some underwater welding examples are also involved in this paper.
Abstract43)      PDF (111KB)(126)      
Innovation and practice of dam safety management in Dadu River Company
LUO Zheng-ying,HUANG Hui-bao, SHEN Ding-bin, JIANG De-jun and ZHAO Jie
Abstract66)      PDF (2185KB)(340)      
In modern time, dam safety management takes risk management as the core and active prevention as the feature. It is very important for the operation and management of hydropower stations, and also a major event that affects the safety of people's lives and property. Based on the analysis of the dam characteristics of Dadu River Hydropower Development Company, combined with the management mode and development concept of the enterprise, innovative measures and technologies of dam safety management are introduced in the paper, providing reference for dam safety management for similar hydropower companies.
2019, 0 (4): 1-6.
Emergency disposal of large-volume floating objects in Gaobazhou reservoir of Hubei province
GONG Jianbing and LIU Bozhi
Abstract125)      PDF (1364KB)(164)      
Taking the emergency disposal of large-volume floating objects in Gaobazhou reservoir of Hubei province as an example, this paper introduces the event process and risk analysis of Gaobazhou hydropower station facing the accumulation of floating objects such as large-scale fish farming cages in the reservoir due to heavy rainfall in the Qingjiang river basin. As well, the effective practice of flotsam cleanup and emergency disposal of Qingjiang Company of China Three Gorges Corporation is summarized, for reference.
2023, 0 (1): 13-18.
Some technique points about the differential resistance type instrument
Abstract65)      PDF (594KB)(377)      
This paper discussed some important points about the differential resistance type instrument, such as the national standards, the quality control of the monitoring data, the site inspection of the long- time embedded meters and the analysis and deal with the abnormal data. Then, some advice was advanced here for further research and reference.
Cause reasons for seepage and treatment methods at earth dam reservoirs
Abstract78)      PDF (241KB)(350)      
After years' operation, seepage may occur at earth dams. This paper analysed the types and cause reasons for seepage, and, accordingly, advanced some preferred treatment schemes and issues calling for attention in construction, for reference.
Study on stress-strain of Louzhuangzi clay core dam
LIU Jingrui, TONG Ming and ZHANG Jun
Abstract91)      PDF (368KB)(145)      
For Louzhuangzi clay core dam, Duncan-Zhang hyperbolic E-B nonlinear material model is used to calculate the stress-strain. The calculation results show that the maximum vertical displacement is less than 1.0% of the dam height during both construction and operation which occurs at slightly lower than the 1/2 height of core wall, and there is no stress damage zone in the dam. No hydraulic fracturing damage would occur to the clay core wall during operation, and the stress and deformation of the cut-off wall is satisfactory. The analysis results exhibit that the settlement of dam crest meets the requirements of the design code for embankment dams. The calculation results of dam stress-strain are in accordance with the deformation law of embankment dams, a good safety factor is obtained for the structure, and the dam section design is reasonable and feasible.
2020, 0 (6): 23-26,31.
Summary of the secondary stage anti- seepage treatment project at Luowan dam
Abstract44)      PDF (308KB)(141)      
The paper introduced the design, construction, supervision and management in the secondary stage anti- seepage treatment project at Luowan dam, and stressed on the design of asphalt concrete impervious face slab and foundation curtain grouting, as well as asphalt concrete test and the characteristic of project management.
Research on crack resistance of mass concrete
Abstract57)      PDF (218KB)(440)      
The main factors, including limiting extended value,elastic module and thermal deformation, which influence on crack resistance of mass concrete have been analyzed in this paper. We presented the criterion of crack resistance of the mass concrete and used it to check the crack resistance of the mass concrete with experiments. After analyzing the reasons responding for the situations, we got an agreement result. The criterion can provide us a lot of valid data of protecting the mass concrete in earlier various periods.
Analysis on flood and real-time reservoir dispatching of Kezhi’er Reservoir
Abstract61)      PDF (201KB)(836)      
This paper analysed the formation and characteristics of100-year return flood occurred in Weigan River basin on23rd July,2002, summarizing the general situation of this flood real-time forecasting and dispatching.?
Application of filling technology in east Wenzhou polder dike project
Abstract59)      PDF (453KB)(568)      
Filling method for embankment is of low cost, high efficiency and speed. However, as restrictions of poor bearing capacity in soft soil ground, its application in reclamation project is much less. According to the actual condition of Wenzhou shoal, combined with the construction in east polder dike project, this paper introduced some details about hydraulic filling. Further, experience such as how to control the load and resist the comprehensive interference of wind, wave and tide by sand pipes and bags and so on were presented, and the feasibility of application of hydraulic filling in complicated conditions was verified, worthy popularization.
Application research of intelligent dispatching based on cascade hydropower stations in whole ba sin
QIAN Wei and SUN Jingying
Abstract162)      PDF (1273KB)(58)      
In order to realize the intelligent dispatching operation goal of cascade hydropower stations in
Nam Ou river basin in Laos, based on the management concept of digital transformation, this study ana lyzes the difficulties of overall dispatching for cascade hydropower stations, and explores the implemen tation path and effective measures to improve the accuracy of hydrometeorological prediction and the op eration and dispatching capability of hydropower stations. Through the intelligent dispatching of hydro power stations, the economic benefit, social benefit and ecological benefit are improved, and the goal of  carbon peaking and carbon neutrality is promoted. It can provide guidance and reference for hydropower  development along the Belt and Road and the cascade control centers in major river basins at home and
2024, 0 (3): 1-4,14.
Innovation of the automatic monitoring system of Manwan hydropower station
Abstract82)      PDF (785KB)(507)      
The automatic monitoring system of Manwan hydropower station has been in operation for 11 years. This paper introduced the main problems in operation. Accordingly, some innovation measures were implemented and good effect was achieved.
Discussion on classification of slope safety monitoring
Abstract74)      PDF (272KB)(201)      
For short of criterions, traditional safety monitoring was based on the size and importance of slope, that among all cross sections, the more important the cross section was, the more monitoring items and instruments. But for large and complex slope, dynamic informationization design was always demanded, so that dynamic monitoring was necessary. Classificated monitoring is of the advantage that it may not only cover full scale but also stress on key parts. By application of dynamic adjustment, the purpose of rationality and pertinency was achieved, and furthermore, it may provide important data for dynamic informationizaiton management.