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Application of filling technology in east Wenzhou polder dike project

JIN Yi, YANG Mei-ping, CAO Qian-qian and et al.   

  • Online:2011-04-28 Published:2011-04-28



  1. 1.温州市瓯江口开发建设总指挥部,浙江温州 325000;2.浙江华东工程安全技术有限公司,浙江杭州 310014;3.宁波大学,浙江宁波 315000

Abstract: Filling method for embankment is of low cost, high efficiency and speed. However, as restrictions of poor bearing capacity in soft soil ground, its application in reclamation project is much less. According to the actual condition of Wenzhou shoal, combined with the construction in east polder dike project, this paper introduced some details about hydraulic filling. Further, experience such as how to control the load and resist the comprehensive interference of wind, wave and tide by sand pipes and bags and so on were presented, and the feasibility of application of hydraulic filling in complicated conditions was verified, worthy popularization.

摘要: 吹填筑堤是一种低成本、高效快速的筑堤技术,受软土地基承载能力低的制约,该技术在围海工程中一直应用较少。针对温州浅滩的实际工况条件,结合东围堤工程吹填具体施工情况,对充砂管袋、吹填砂的施工工艺进行详细介绍,并对如何控制软土地基上吹填施工加载和袋体防风、浪、潮综合干扰等方面的经验进行总结,其在软土地基、强潮等复杂工况下的可行性得到了验证,值得进一步推广。