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Influence of flood discharging rain and fog to operation of hydropower station and its counter-measures

XING Linsheng and LI Tao   

  • Online:2010-02-28 Published:2010-02-28



  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: The destructive power of flood discharging rain and fog is so great that many accidents happened such as downstream traffic block, damage of electrical equipments, outage of power generators and flooding of power house.As well, penetration of the rain and fog induced large-scale downstream landslide of slope.To prevent any more damage, reasonable layout and related protection measures was critical in design, and prototype observation should be strengthened in operation. Practice showed that the reasonable opening of gate was an important non-engineering measure to decrease and prevent the influence of flood discharging rain and fog.

摘要: 高坝泄洪雨雾是由泄洪引起的非自然降雨和水雾迷漫现象,具有很强的破坏力。多座水电站曾遭受泄洪雨雾的危害性影响,发生过大坝下游交通阻断、电器设备损坏、发电机组停运及水淹厂房事故,或由于泄洪雨雾的下渗作用诱发大坝下游边坡大规模滑坡。水电站枢纽规划设计阶段,需合理布局和采取针对性防护措施,防止产生重大失误。水电站投入运行后应加强泄洪雨雾原型观测,验证设计并完善防护方案。实践证明,总结经验合理开启闸门是减轻或防止泄洪雨雾危害的一项重要非工程性措施。