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Research on claim opportunity identification based on cost and schedule analysis in international hydropower projects#br#
CHEN Zhen, XIAO Bian, YAO Yating and MA Jialie
Abstract44)      PDF (301KB)(1119)      
Claim opportunity identification is the key part of claim management. This paper focuses on the application of cost and schedule analysis to international projects. Combined with theoretical analysis and case study, the paper elaborates claim opportunity identification.
2021, 0 (5): 24-.
Discussion on data analysis of piezometric level in earth-rock dam
Abstract58)      PDF (227KB)(780)      
The open-hole type is generally used to monitor water pressure in the body of earth-rock dam,the lag effect of water level in the hole can’t be ignored in data analysis.There are several ways in data analysis,this article sums up some ways of qualitative analysis,and describes the different represent when the dam seepage is out of the way.
Abstract50)      PDF (227KB)(433)      
Study on AT based on UAV images in alpine gorge region
WU Lei, ZHAO Xing-ying and CHEN Guang
Abstract70)      PDF (329KB)(367)      
This paper introduces the principle of the common camera calibration and the distortion correct of UAV images. Then it introduces the workflow of AT based on UAV images in alpine gorge region. Finally, with specific example, it discusses the technology of AT based on UAV images in alpine gorge region.
2014, 0 (3): 27-30.
Abstract72)      PDF (205KB)(793)      
Analysis on flood and real-time reservoir dispatching of Kezhi’er Reservoir
Abstract61)      PDF (201KB)(836)      
This paper analysed the formation and characteristics of100-year return flood occurred in Weigan River basin on23rd July,2002, summarizing the general situation of this flood real-time forecasting and dispatching.?
Abstract53)      PDF (132KB)(318)      
Considerations on crest settlement reservation in face slab dams design
Abstract54)      PDF (143KB)(351)      
Crest settlement reservation of concrete face slab rockfill dams would effect flood prevention safety and visual image.Some dam crest elevation was found lower than design in operation as there was no settlement reservation in design, while some recorded settlement in operation exceeded the designed value as the settlement reservation in design was too small. By statistics of dams, the recorded settlement value was more than 0.1% of damheight. For enough settlement reservation in operation and good visual image of arch at middle part, settlement reservation no less than 0.5% of damheight was recommended.
Treatment design on soil solution cavern in Fuyang county
Abstract46)      PDF (231KB)(250)      
By analyzing the engineering geological condition of Sanmentou soil solution cavern in Yanshiling reservoir, this paper sum up a treatment design on soil solution cavern available for diversion canal projects. The practice has shown that it can reduces the cost efficiently.
Selection of earth- rock dam types for Yulong Kashi water conservancy project in Xinjiang
YUAN Lei and MA Hongyu
Abstract65)      PDF (1256KB)(402)      
Yulong Kashi water conservancy project is located in the high mountain and gorge area with steep bank slope. The basic intensity of site seismic is Ⅷ, and the seismic fortification intensity of dam is Ⅸ. It is a 230 m high earth-rock dam in the mountainous-valley reach where is cold and has strong earthquake. According to the construction conditions of earth-rock dams in the project area, the present situation of high earth- rock dams in strong earthquake areas at home and abroad is studied in detail. Three types of earth-rock dams are determined for comparison and selection, and the feasibility analysis is carried out one by one. Finally, the concrete face rockfill dam is selected as the recommended dam type. At the same time, the difficulties in dam design and the specific direction of scientific and experimental research are pointed out.
2020, 0 (2): 25-.
Influence of flood discharging rain and fog to operation of hydropower station and its counter-measures
Abstract66)      PDF (394KB)(638)      
The destructive power of flood discharging rain and fog is so great that many accidents happened such as downstream traffic block, damage of electrical equipments, outage of power generators and flooding of power house.As well, penetration of the rain and fog induced large-scale downstream landslide of slope.To prevent any more damage, reasonable layout and related protection measures was critical in design, and prototype observation should be strengthened in operation. Practice showed that the reasonable opening of gate was an important non-engineering measure to decrease and prevent the influence of flood discharging rain and fog.
Discussion on application of low-heat cement concrete in Baihetan hydropower station
GAO Junfeng
Abstract75)      PDF (1059KB)(409)      
It is the first vast application of low-heat cement in the concrete used for construction of a 300 m super-high double curvature arch dam. Through the research and application of low-heat cement and low-heat cement concrete, the performance characteristics of concrete in the construction process have been comprehensively mastered. By giving full play to the characteristics of low-heat cement such as low hydration heat, high strength and good durability, the overall quality of concrete construction of Baihetan hydropower station has been effectively guaranteed.
2020, 0 (4): 54-.
Rehabilitation techniques for underwater concrete structures
Abstract65)      PDF (337KB)(398)      
Aiming at the damage and aging of underwater concrete structures, the paper introduced several reinforcement techniques, such as anti-seepage treatment at cracks, scour hole rehabilitation and et al. As well, some construction methods and materials were recommended. The techniques are effective in the reliability guarantee of structures.
Dam safety progress and challenges at Electricite de France
Abstract85)      PDF (250KB)(351)      
To ensure the safety of its 450 hydroelectric projects, Electricite de France has used risk analysis to prioritize required maintenance. Work now underway will cost 500 million Euros (US$716 million) and help ensure the continued reliable operation of these important hydraulic structures.
Abstract62)      PDF (143KB)(366)      
Effect of impounding speed on safety of Nuozadu core wall rockfill dam
Abstract67)      PDF (1255KB)(299)      
Some adverse effects may bring forth to safety of the core wall rockfill dam when it is impounded for the first time, especially when the impounding speed is too fast. For example, there may be settlement increases in later stage, arching effect enhancements even cracks of the core wall, seepage deformations, instability of downstream dam slope and soaking deformations of upstream rockfill. So it is necessary to study the relation between impounding speed and the safety of dam. Based on the experience of Nuozadu core wall rockfill dam, by means of numerical calculations and analysis, in aspects of deformation, stress, hydraulic fracture, unsteady seepage and dam slope stability, safety characteristics of the dam when impounded for the first time was studied and the impounding speed was advised.
Summary of reinforcement technologies for hydraulic concrete structures
LU Zhihua and LI Yan
Abstract61)      PDF (1276KB)(228)      
The paper summarizes and introduces the causes of defects, the classification of reinforcement materials and the classification and application of reinforcement technologies for hydraulic concrete structures. The reinforcement theory, existing standards and regulations are classified and introduced, and the prospect of reinforcement technologies are advanced.
2021, 0 (1): 54-66.
The important system guarantee for improving the safety management level of hydropower station dam operation
DU Dejin
Abstract138)      PDF (947KB)(288)      
2023, 0 (1): 1-3.
Analysis on seepage monitoring data of Yunpeng earth-rockfill dam
Abstract59)      PDF (205KB)(292)      
First impounding would exert great influence on safety and stability of earth-rockfill dam, so seepage monitoring is important. According to regression analysis on seepage monitoring data of Yunpeng dam, this article analysed variation of water level and seepage. Further, the seepage operation state was appraised, to provide reference for dam operation management and completion acceptance.
Innovation of the automatic monitoring system of Manwan hydropower station
Abstract82)      PDF (785KB)(507)      
The automatic monitoring system of Manwan hydropower station has been in operation for 11 years. This paper introduced the main problems in operation. Accordingly, some innovation measures were implemented and good effect was achieved.