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Current Issue

Design study

Research on strength of roller compacted concrete

2004, 0 (3): 1-2   

FEM analysis for cmsh sidewall of Shuibuya CFRD

2004, 0 (3): 3-8   

Operation management

Analysis on aging status-quo of reservoir dams in China

2004, 0 (3): 9-11   

Operation and management for Tianshengqiao I dam

2004, 0 (3): 12-16   

Summary on dam safety management for Yanguoxia hydropower station

2004, 0 (3): 17-21   

Reservoir regulation

Discussion on the reservoir regulation of Guangzhou pumped storage power station

2004, 0 (3): 22-25   

Water regimen automatic forecasting system in Maojianshan hydropewer station

2004, 0 (3): 26-27   

Data analysis

Process of blind information and its application in dam safety comprehensive assessment

2004, 0 (3): 28-30   

Analysis on observation accuracy of horizontal displace ment of concrete dam

2004, 0 (3): 31-34   

Marco of Excel loading Visual Basic program applied in data processing

2004, 0 (3): 35-36   

Introducing regression model to analyse abnormal displacement

2004, 0 (3): 37-39   

Study on correction factor of compression index method in settlement calculation

2004, 0 (3): 40-42   

Finite element iteration method for stability safety factor of known sliding surface

2004, 0 (3): 43-45   

Safety-monitoring data used in Longtan project for high slope construction

2004, 0 (3): 46-47   

Study on monitoring optimized predicting model of the displacement in Geheyan project

2004, 0 (3): 48-50   

Analysis on prototype observation data of Xikou pumped storage power station

2004, 0 (3): 51-54   

Knowledge base design of dam safety monitoring expert system based on RDB

2004, 0 (3): 55-59   


Detecting and treating for steel-lined concrete gap at turbine runner chamber

2004, 0 (3): 60-62   

Design on underwater seepage treatment in Baofenghu reservoir dam

2004, 0 (3): 63-65   

Application of inverted roofing waterproof technique in Lotus hydropower station

2004, 0 (3): 66-68   

Application of artificial filling pile by excavating hole in Hongshan reservoir

2004, 0 (3): 69-70   

Performing filling soil to drop saturation line in Jicun earth dam

2004, 0 (3): 71-72   

Technology on pile foundation construction in solution caveru developed area

2004, 0 (3): 73-74   

Metal structure

Static tests and 3-D FEM analysis for new radial gate in Huangtankou hydropower station

2004, 0 (3): 75-77   

Landslide treatment

Treatment for Baizhang reservior landslide

2004, 0 (3): 81-83