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Design on underwater seepage treatment in Baofenghu reservoir dam

GUO Shi-feng,ZHAN Gui-quan and WANG Guo-peng   

  • Published:2004-06-28



  1. 青岛太平洋海洋工程有限公司,青岛 266100

Abstract: Severe seepage appeared in Baofenghu reservoir dam since it put into operation 20 years ago. The seepage problem menaces the dam safety and impacts on project normal benefit. For restrained by project location and environment condition, impervious treatment can not be performed in the dry, underwater repair is also difficult. We draw a feasible plan of underwater treatment for seepage and carry out successfully. The treatment effect is satisfactory.?

摘要: 湖南宝峰湖水库大坝建成运行20多年以来,出现了严重的渗漏问题,危及到大坝的安全,也影响工程效益的正常发挥。由于受其地理位置和环境条件制约,无法实现干地施工,水下维修也有相当大的难度。针对上述情况,制定了切实可行的水下渗漏处理方案,采取在大坝上游水下浇筑防渗层的处理措施,达到了预期的效果。