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Application of artificial filling pile by excavating hole in Hongshan reservoir

WEl Jia-an and CHEN Liang   

  • Published:2004-06-28



  1. 1.新疆昌吉州方汇水电建筑勘察设计有限公司,新疆昌吉 831100;2.新疆阜康市水利局,新疆阜康 831500

Abstract: The technology of artificial filling pile by excavating hole, a traditional construction technique for piling characters of lower costing, simple machine, quality easily being ensured. Its application has been seen mostly in buildings and seldom in hydraulic projects. This technology is used in Hongshan reservoir to treat the foundation of spillway chute and gained good effect.?

摘要: 人工挖孔灌注桩是-种传统成桩工艺,具有造价低、施工设备简单、成桩直径大、成桩质量容易保证等特点,在房屋建筑工程中应用较多,而在水利工程中应用较少。红山水库溢洪道泄槽基础处理采用了该方法,获得了成功。