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Introducing regression model to analyse abnormal displacement

DENG Xing-sheng   

  • Published:2004-06-28



  1. 东江水电厂,湖南省资兴市 423403

Abstract: In this paper, a regression model and a new index to describe relativity between displacement and its effect factor is presented, which has been successfully applied to analyse the abnormal phenomena of displacement in Dongjiang Dam.?

摘要: 本文针对东江大坝291 m高程垂线测点的径向水平位移与库水位之间存在的不协调现象,采用统计模型进行分析,得到了大坝径向水平位移与影响大坝变形的因子之间存在的相关性,并由此解释了东江大坝不规则位移现象的原因。