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Safety-monitoring data used in Longtan project for high slope construction

NIE Jin-sheng   

  • Published:2004-06-28



  1. 杭州国电大坝安全工程有限公司,杭州 310014

Abstract: The scale of Longtan project high slopes is great, and the geological condition is complex.The design laid complete safety-monitoring instruments in the slope. For the efforts of engineers, safety-monitoring successfully supplied plentiful and useful fruits to associated construction members.The article simply introduced part safety-monitoring fruits applied to the project.

摘要: 龙滩左、右岸高边坡规模宏大、地质条件复杂,设计布置了较为齐全的安全监测设施。通过监测工作者的共同努力,安全监测为设计、土建施工提供了大量有价值的成果,取得了卓有成效的成绩。本文简要介绍了部分工程安全监测信息成果在指导工程安全施工中的成功应用。