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Operation and management for Tianshengqiao I dam

LIU Ze-jun and BAO Ya-jun   

  • Published:2004-06-28



  1. 天生桥一级水电开发有限责任公司水力发电厂,贵州兴义 562400

Abstract: Tianshengqiao I hydropower station is one of the key projects of western electricity transmitted eastward. It has been operating safely 5 years since its first unit put into operation at the end 1998 and the whole project completed in 2000.This article mainly introduced the operation and management of Tianshengqiao I dam and hydraulic structures else.?

摘要: 天生桥一级水电站为西电东送的重点工程,也是珠江流域西江水系上游南盘江的龙头电站,1998年底首台机组发电,至2000年工程竣工,已安全运行近5年。本文重点对天生桥一级水电站大坝及相关建筑物运行管理情况做一全面介绍。?