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Current Issue

2006 Vol.0, No. 5   Published: 28 October 2006
Design study

Plunge pool design and safety operation at Ertan hydropower station

2006, 0 (5): 1-4   

Dynamic characteristics of the asphalt concrete core dam and cutoff wall constructed on deep overburden

2006, 0 (5): 5-8   

Optimized design of anti- seepage treatment to Xiaochen’ao reservoir dam

2006, 0 (5): 9-13   

Operation management

Investigation for breached dams and its preliminary exploration to the characteristics of loss of life in China

2006, 0 (5): 14-18   

Standardization of safety monitoring in hydraulic and hydropower engineering

2006, 0 (5): 19-22   

Calculation of damfailure flood of some reservoir

2006, 0 (5): 23-24   

Monitoring technology

Accuracy analysis on the methods of alignment of observing dam horizontal displacement

2006, 0 (5): 25-29   

Renovation and transformation of deformation monitoring system of Tongjiezi dam

2006, 0 (5): 30-33   

Actualization and site maintenance of automatic monitoring system of Xinfengjiang dam

2006, 0 (5): 34-36   

Reservoir induced earthquake and banks' stability monitoring at Yinzidu hydropower station

2006, 0 (5): 37-40   

Application of the static level monitoring systemat Niululing dam

2006, 0 (5): 41-42   

Data analysis

Analysis on seepage and damslope stability of Qingshan hydraulic project in Hubei

2006, 0 (5): 43-45   


Reinforcement of water cushion basin in Manwan hydropower station

2006, 0 (5): 46-49   

Analysis on leakage causes of Shichengzi dam and its treatment

2006, 0 (5): 50-53   

Advices on the treatment of the right outlet side slope of Xucun hydropower station

2006, 0 (5): 54-55   

Aseptic technique research of the steel liner tube in the outlet

2006, 0 (5): 56-60