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Analysis on seepage and damslope stability of Qingshan hydraulic project in Hubei

ZHANG Xiao- yuan and LI Changcheng   

  • Online:2006-10-28 Published:2006-10-28


张晓元, 李长城   

  1. 武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室, 湖北武汉 430072

Abstract: The seepage FEMcalculations and damslope stability analysis were conducted for Qingshan hydraulic project. The results reviewed that the thickness of the clay core-wall in damaffected the energy slope of seepage directly. Due to the clay core- wall in dam s in Qingshan hydraulic project are very thin, the seepage energy in core- wall fall rapidly, which may cause seepage damage in dam. The strong perviousness in the dambody and the foundation may cause abnormal seepage problem. Due to the effect of the seepage, the stableness on the downstreamdamslope can not be ensured. The computed results have provided the basis for the reinforcing the dams of Qingshan hydraulic project. It can be also a uesful reference material for analyzing the security of other hydraulic projects.

摘要: 本文对青山水库主、副坝断面进行了有限元渗流计算及下游坝坡抗滑稳定计算, 计算结果显示: 由于青山水库各坝心墙很薄, 所以心墙处渗透坡降很大, 可能发生渗透破坏; 各坝坝壳与排水体交界位置的渗透坡降较大, 存在渗流安全隐患; 由于坝体及坝基的渗透性较大, 渗漏问题比较突出; 由于渗流的作用, 当水库水位较高时, 下游坝坡的最小抗滑稳定安全系数随水库水位的上升而下降较快, 由此导致下游坝坡在水位较高时不能满足抗滑稳定要求。通过对青山水库大坝的渗流分析可知, 对于薄心墙土坝, 在心墙的下游侧渗透坡降很大, 如不