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Reservoir induced earthquake and banks' stability monitoring at Yinzidu hydropower station

XU Yong and WANG Bo   

  • Online:2006-10-28 Published:2006-10-28


许勇1, 王波2   

  1. 1.贵州黔源电力股份有限公司, 贵阳 550002; 2.中国水电顾问集团贵阳勘测设计研究院, 贵阳 550002

Abstract: Yinzidu hydropower station began ponding in April, 2003. Through reservoir induced earthquake and dam banks' stability monitoring and protection, the situation about reservoir bank’s deformation was known in time. In this way, normal life and production of the villagers living around the reservoir bank was ensured.

摘要: 引子渡水电站于2003 年4 月下闸蓄水。通过开展水库诱发地震及库岸稳定监测, 掌握了库岸变形情况, 并对库岸进行了及时保护, 保障了村民的正常生产和生活。