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Dynamic characteristics of the asphalt concrete core dam and cutoff wall constructed on deep overburden

Zhang Bo and Wang Yun   

  • Online:2006-10-28 Published:2006-10-28


张波, 王赟   

  1. 陕西理工学院土建系, 陕西汉中 723003

Abstract: Proper seismic excitation means and equivalent viscoelasticity constitutive model were adopted, and the FEA dynamic characteristics of asphalt concrete core rockfill dams on deep overburden(147.95 m) were studied in very detail in this paper. In the study, the author analyzed the characteristics of stress and displacement in the dam body and cutoff wall with deep overburden in the intensive earthquake zones. The results show: severe earthquake demolishment won’t appear in the dam body under seismic loading, but it cannot be concluded that partial cracks won’ t appear in the dambody; stress concentration regions exist in the cutoff wall, and the regions should be reinforced locally.

摘要: 本文采用了有效的地震输入方式和等效粘弹性本构模型,对深覆盖层( 147.95 m) 沥青混凝土心墙土石坝进行了有限元动态特性分析,研究了强震区深覆盖层问题中坝体及防渗墙的应力和变形。分析结果表明:坝体在地震作用下不会出现严重地震破坏, 但不能排除坝体发生局部裂缝的可能性;防渗墙存在应力集中区,应对这些区域进行局部加固。