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Accuracy analysis on the methods of alignment of observing dam horizontal displacement

DU Zhi - guo   

  • Online:2006-10-28 Published:2006-10-28



  1. 长治市襄屯灌区工程总指挥部, 山西长治 046011

Abstract: There are many kinds of observingmethods of damhorizontal displacement.It can be subdivided into four kinds of methods while adopting the method of alignment.The article made an introduction on the theory of the four methods and particular operational steps, and made a relevant comparison of the accuracy analysis. The practical test indicated that the observing accuracy got a biggish enhance when the dambody’ s length exceeded 300m.

摘要: 大坝水平位移观测方法有多种, 当采用视准线法观测时, 还可以细分为四种不同方法。本文就视准线法四种不同方法的原理和具体操作步骤进行阐述, 并做相应的精度分析比较。实测试验表明, 当坝体长度超过了300m 的情况下, 观测精度均有较大提高。