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Current Issue

2006 Vol.0, No. 6   Published: 28 December 2006
Design study

Safety monitoring system design of the main line of middle line project in South- to- North water diversion

2006, 0 (6): 3-8   

Renovation of the damsafety monitoring systemat Wanjiazhai hydro project

2006, 0 (6): 9-14   

Foundation consolidation grouting treatment of Xin’anjiang dam

2006, 0 (6): 15-18   

Operation management

Lessons learned: detecting problems early through investigation of damfailure modes

2006, 0 (6): 19-23   

Analysis of hydraulic operation accidents and countermeasures

2006, 0 (6): 24-29   

Dynamic management of flood level at large and medium- sized reservoirs

2006, 0 (6): 30-31   

Study on appraisal systemof sustainable development for mediumand small- sized reservoirs

2006, 0 (6): 32-35   

Renovation of computer remote control of the gates in Shibanshui hydropower plant

2006, 0 (6): 36-38   

Monitoring technology

Assessing on linearity of sensor

2006, 0 (6): 39-43   

Discussion on the modification method for defective data of anchor load cells

2006, 0 (6): 44-47   

Data analysis

Application of static graymodel based on PLSR into damsafety monitoring

2006, 0 (6): 48-51   

Establishment and application of seepage calculation model for embankment dams

2006, 0 (6): 52-54   


Analysis of damfoundation seepage and treatment at Baishan arch dam

2006, 0 (6): 55-59   

Rehabilitation of Sukuqiake reservoir

2006, 0 (6): 60-63   

Influence of earthquake on Xike'er reservoir dam and rehabilitation

2006, 0 (6): 64-67