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Analysis of hydraulic operation accidents and countermeasures

XING Lin- sheng   

  • Online:2006-12-28 Published:2006-12-28



  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心, 浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: During the years of 1960 to 2000, a series of hydropower station accidents were caused by faulty hydraulic operation. In this paper, the author advanced eight aspects of measures to enhance the operation management and carry forward renovation. Only by this, serious accidents can be avoided.

摘要: 20 世纪60 至90 年代, 我国水电站曾因水工管理失误引发一系列事故。笔者认为, 应以科学发展观的理念正确认识和处理水工管理中的各种问题, 从明确职责依法管坝、持续开展定期检查、严格进行安全注册、及时消除重大缺陷、预防为主安全度汛、合理调度科学运行、努力提升监控水平、增强应急处理能力等八个方面, 全面强化管理, 不断改革创新, 防微杜渐, 标本兼治, 防止因运行不当而发生重大事故。