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Renovation of computer remote control of the gates in Shibanshui hydropower plant

XU Can   

  • Online:2006-12-28 Published:2006-12-28



  1. 重庆涪陵水资源开发有限责任公司石板水电厂, 重庆 408000

Abstract: The dam of Shibanshui hydropower plant is a project mainly for power generation and flood control.The dam gate computer control system was designed to “Unattended, fewer people watch”. Automatic monitoring and control was carried out by computers, achieving the goal of remote control of the gates. The article introduced the system configuration, application, functions, some main problems and the solution in the installation process.

摘要: 石板水电厂大坝是以发电为主、兼有防洪等综合效益的工程。大坝闸门计算机监控系统按照“无人值班、少人值守”的要求设计, 利用计算机进行自动化监测和控制, 实现闸门的远程控制。本文介绍该系统的配置、应用、功能和特点, 以及在安装过程中遇到的一些主要问题和解决的方法。