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Safety monitoring system design of the main line of middle line project in South- to- North water diversion

HAO Changjiang,HU Chang- hua and DU Ze- kuai   

  • Online:2006-12-28 Published:2006-12-28


郝长江, 胡长华, 杜泽快   

  1. 长江水利委员会设计院, 湖北武汉 430010

Abstract: Due to the particularity of the main line of middle line project in South- to- North water diversion, scientific safety monitoring systemis very important. The system is an application subsystem based on automatic dispatching and operation and decision supporting systemof the main line of middle line project. By different ways to collect data, the systemarranges and analyses data quickly, then makes safety evaluation of buildings, monitoring the safety of every building effectively and exactly.

摘要: 由于南水北调中线干线工程的特殊性, 使得其建立一套科学的安全监测系统尤为重要。本安全监测系统是基于南水北调中线干线工程自动化调度与运行管理决策支持系统之下的一个应用子系统, 它将通过不同的数据采集方式, 对资料进行快速整理和分析, 并对建筑物安全性做出评价, 有效而准确地对各建筑物进行安全监控。