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Current Issue

2012 Vol.0, No. 6   Published: 28 December 2012


2012, 0 (6): 8-10   

Design study

Optimization of control net for horizontal displacement monitoring of Manwan dam

2012, 0 (6): 11-15   

Analysis on stress of high dams and super high dams

2012, 0 (6): 16-18   

Operation management

Application of seismic fragility analysis in concrete dams

2012, 0 (6): 19-23   

Cause analysis and countermeasures of snowmelt debirs flow in Qiapuqihai hydropower station area

2012, 0 (6): 24-26   

Monitoring technology

Further discussion on the analysis method of resistance ratio error of Carlson transducer

2012, 0 (6): 27-32   

Renovation of automatic monitoring system of Hunanzhen dam

2012, 0 (6): 33-36   

Effect of improper installation of anchor cable on measurement based on finite element analysis

2012, 0 (6): 37-40   

Data analysis

Monitoring analysis of slope stability of right bank deformation block AI at Longkaikou hydropower station

2012, 0 (6): 41-44   

Safety monitoring of 4 reservoir dams in the project of diverting the water of Huanghe River into Shanxi

2012, 0 (6): 45-46   

The prototype observation and structural mechanical analysis of shallow-buried bias loess tunnel

2012, 0 (6): 48-51   

Analysis on seepage observation data of Dalong dam

2012, 0 (6): 52-55   


Application of new material and new technology in rehabilitation of bucket dissipater of Shiquan dam

2012, 0 (6): 56-58   

Defect analysis and rehabilitation of Shahe reservoir

2012, 0 (6): 59-61   

Study on the rehabilitation technology applied on Dongkeng defective rock-fill dam

2012, 0 (6): 62-65