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Defect analysis and rehabilitation of Shahe reservoir

YANG En-bo   

  • Online:2012-12-28 Published:2012-12-28



  1. 吉林省沙河水库管理局,吉林舒兰 132600

Abstract: In operation of Shahe reservoir dam, some problems were encountered, such as dam foundation seepage, lower coefficient of stability against sliding of the upstream and downstream slope than requirement in regulation, uplift and concave of the masonry as well as breakage of the wave wall. By analysis, the paper advanced treatment measures for rehabilitation.

摘要: 沙河水库运行中存在以下问题:坝基渗漏、大坝上下游坡抗滑稳定安全系数不满足规范要求、坝面砌石隆起及凹陷、防浪墙断裂等。通过分析有针对性地提出了沙河水库除险加固处理措施。