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Current Issue

Design study

Effect of impounding speed on safety of Nuozadu core wall rockfill dam

2012, 0 (5): 1-5   

Design of prevention of debris flow at Luqianggou of Miaowei hydropower station

2012, 0 (5): 6-8   

Calculation of dam culvert structure under non-uniform internal water pressure

2012, 0 (5): 9-14   

Operation management

Research on key issues of operation safety of high dam group in Yalong river basin

2012, 0 (5): 15-19   

Safety status of small-sized reservoirs in Hebei province and suggestions on rehabilitation

2012, 0 (5): 20-23   

Influence of Ms 6.0 earthquake on safety of the clay core dam of the cascade reservoirs

2012, 0 (5): 24-28   

Monitoring technology

Renovation of automatic plumb line system of Lijiaxia hydropower station

2012, 0 (5): 29-33   

Monitoring and control of concrete temperature in construction of Sanwan water control project

2012, 0 (5): 34-37   

Construction technology

Grouting test for the karst foundation of Chongqing Aikou reservoir

2012, 0 (5): 38-44   

Application of reinforced lead gabion in Xiluodu closure project

2012, 0 (5): 45-48   


Research on durability of concrete dam curtain

2012, 0 (5): 49-52   

Application of polyurethane/epoxy composite chemical grouting in the tunnel seepage-prevention project

2012, 0 (5): 53-55   

Determination of seepage control scheme for Koushang masonry dam

2012, 0 (5): 56-58   

Technology information overseas

The Swiss model of dam surveillance

2012, 0 (5): 59-62   

Monitoring of fill dams using GPS-based displacement measurement system

2012, 0 (5): 63-68