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Analysis on uneven settlement of crest and safety operation of Chengbihe dam

CHEN Hai-wen and HUANG Shengbin   

  • Online:2009-06-28 Published:2009-06-28



  1. 广西百色市澄碧河水库管理局,广西百色 533000

Abstract: By analysis on seepage prevention effect of the concrete core wall and deformation monitoring data of the earth filleddam, conclusion was gotten that the concrete core wall was effective in seepage prevention, and low earth filling quality was the main reason for uneven settlement of the crest of clay core wall. Monitoring data showed that dam settlement and horizontal displacement was of regularity, and the stability against sliding was high.

摘要: 通过对澄碧河水库大坝混凝土心墙防渗效果和土坝变形观测资料分析认为:大坝混凝土心墙防渗作用显著,但坝体填土质量差是造成坝顶心墙两侧路面不均匀沉陷的主要原因,观测资料表明,大坝沉陷、水平位移符合土坝变形规律,大坝抗滑稳定安全。