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Safety monitoring and operation management for HuaguangtanⅠ arch dam

WANG Shu-qian and PU Jiu-wu   

  • Online:2009-06-28 Published:2009-06-28



  1. 1.浙江华光潭水力发电有限公司,浙江临安 311322;2.浙江华电乌溪江水力发电厂,浙江衢州 324000

Abstract: By application of total station linear-angular deformation net observation and plumb line system as datum for dam deformation, instead of normal deformation control net, dam deformation is available. By safety monitoring, dam deformation and seepage at the beginning of impounding was gotten. Accordingly, proper rehabilitation measures were carried out to ensure dam safety operation and for greater profit.

摘要: 采用全站仪边角变形网观测方法结合垂线系统作为大坝变形的基准,代替了常规的变形控制网,有效地掌握了大坝的宏观变形状况。通过全面的大坝安全监测手段,掌握大坝在初蓄期的变形、渗流等状况变化,及时采取科学有效的工程补强措施,适时营造良好的大坝运行条件,在确保大坝安全运行的同时,提高了工程效益。