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Management and maintenance of automatic water regime system

LI Chun-jin and XIA Zhi-chang   

  • Online:2009-06-28 Published:2009-06-28



  1. 1.温州水文站,浙江温州 325000;2.温州市珊溪水力发电厂,浙江温州 325000

Abstract: Automatic water regime system is widely used in hydrologic work, flood prevention and reservoir operation, and its daily management and maintenance is very important. This paper introduced the method for management and maintenance, as well as fault analysis and treatment.

摘要: 随着世界各国对水利事业的日益重视和科技的不断进步,水情自动测报系统在我国水文、防汛和水库调度领域也得到了广泛的应用。为了使其有效发挥作用,对系统进行日常管理和维护就显得十分重要。文章结合实践,主要就系统运行过程中的管理和维护方法,以及系统发生故障时如何分析、判断和处理进行了经验总结,有助于系统更好地发挥作用。