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Study on appraisal systemof sustainable development for mediumand small- sized reservoirs

CHEN Xiong, HU Zhi- hua and WANG Yi   

  • Online:2006-12-28 Published:2006-12-28


陈雄1, 胡志华2, 王谊3   

  1. 1. 河海大学水利水电工程学院, 江苏南京 210098; 2. 沈阳农业大学水利学院, 辽宁沈阳110161; 3. 长江勘测规划设计研究院上海分院, 上海 200441

Abstract: Sustainable development has become a global development strategy. Reservoir is an important facility which can reallocate the natural water across time and space, thus, howto evaluate reservoirs' sustainable development status has become a top urgent problem to be resolved.This paper put forward an appraisal system for medium and small- sized reservoirs and the collective sustainable development status was evaluated and analyzed.

摘要: 可持续发展已成为一种全球性发展战略。水库是将天然来水在时间和空间上实现重新分配的重要设施, 如何评价水库的可持续发展状况是亟待解决的问题。本文针对中小型水库提出了一套可持续发展的评价体系, 对水库总体的可持续发展状况做出了评价和分析。