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Assessing on linearity of sensor

HUANG Sheng and LIU Min- fei   

  • Online:2006-12-28 Published:2006-12-28


黄圣, 刘敏飞   

  1. 水利电力岩土工程仪器质量检验测试中心, 江苏南京 210003

Abstract: Discussion was made on fitted line parameter of a sensor by different ways, so as to understand the meanings of the linearity in hydraulic monitoring sensor and the effect of different linearity in measurement using sensor or calibration sensor.

摘要: 本文旨在通过对一支传感器拟合参数采用多种拟合方法的讨论, 以辨别水工监测传感器中线性度的含义及各种线性度对传感器在测量或校准中究竟有什么影响。探讨为什么在JJF1094- 2002《测量仪器特性评定》中没有提及线性度这个指标以及线性度与测量准确度有什么关系。本文将用三种直线对同一支的传感器进行拟合, 以观察拟合的结果之间的差异。本文还讨论了拟合参数的测量不确定度的评定问题, 期望通过此评定来确定拟合参数的准确度。