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Forming method of right plummet shaft at Zhaolaihe RCC dam

LIU Xue - xiang, LIU Xiang- sheng and LIU Hongliang   

  • Online:2006-08-28 Published:2006-08-28


刘学祥, 刘祥生, 刘洪亮   

  1. 长江科学院, 湖北武汉 430010

Abstract: Zhaolaihe dam is a roller compacted concrete arch dam. According to its structure and construction characters and contrasted with other methods, it was advanced that the forming method of right plummet shaft by pre- burying short concrete pipes should be taken. It' s easy to correct an error, effective and convenient to fix.

摘要: 针对招徕河碾压混凝土拱坝的结构和施工特点, 通过对混凝土坝正垂孔成孔方法的对比和总结, 提出和采用预埋混凝土短管的方式形成正垂孔。该方法具有制作简单、安装方便、纠偏容易、经济性好的优点, 实施效果较好, 可为其它大坝正垂孔施工提供参考。