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Application ofmuddy soil disturbance into rehabilitation of Huangqian reservoir

ZHANG Guang- lun, SI Xue- rong and et al   

  • Online:2006-08-28 Published:2006-08-28


张广伦, 司学荣, 刘立海, 梁艳芹, 魏艳丽   

  1. 山东省黄前水库管理局, 山东泰安 271036

Abstract: This paper, based on the rehabilitation of Huangqian reservoir, introduced the theory, equipments and construction of the muddy soil disturbance technology.

摘要: 本文以黄前水库除险加固工程为背景, 介绍了淤泥扰动技术的原理, 设备及施工等方面内容, 为其它工程参考。