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Application of grit- mixed glass fiber plastic pipeline in reservoir dam

YUAN De- quan, LIU Hai- ying and LIU Haitang   

  • Online:2006-08-28 Published:2006-08-28


袁德泉, 刘海英, 刘海棠   

  1. 临沂市岸堤水库管理处, 山东临沂 276217

Abstract: This article introduced the social economy benefit from the grit - mixed glass fiber plastic pipeline reinforced plastic pipeline in the reservoir which in the water- dunnel lining work the application condition, the pipeline basic performance, the construction application process, the hydraulics characteristic as well as produced and so on the various aspects to carry on the narration, at the same time, proposed to the glass fiber reinforced plastic pipeline development peeked at.

摘要: 本文对夹砂玻璃钢管道在水库大坝旧输水洞衬砌中应用状况、管道的基本性能、施工应用经过、水力学特性以及所产生的社会经济效益等诸方面进行了评述, 同时对玻璃钢管道的发展提出了展望。