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Current Issue

2016 Vol.0, No. 6   Published: 08 December 2016

Analysis on hydrodynamic condition downstream Fuchun river hydropower station after the black startup

CHENG Kai-yu, YANG Juan, WU Shi-dong and HUANG Jing

2016, 0 (6): 1-   

Comparison of flood calculation methods of Matiao reservoir in Taoxi river basin

HUANG Jing and ZHANG Xu-jie

2016, 0 (6): 6-   

Application of AHP and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation in tunnel construction risk management

WANG Zheng-fen

2016, 0 (6): 10-   

Flood prevention and safety management of cascade hydropower stations

JI Jin-xu and TIAN Mao

2016, 0 (6): 14-   

Fragility-based seismic risk analysis for concrete gravity dams

ZHENG Peng-xiang and LI Xiao-yan

2016, 0 (6): 19-   

Regulation of Bailongtan hydropower station

WEI Ming-dao

2016, 0 (6): 24-   

Study on termite damage and its prevention measures for Miaowei hydropower station

YAN Jing, SUN Lai and WANG Dong-liang

2016, 0 (6): 28-   

Analysis on deformation of Dagangshan arch dam during initial impoundment

YUAN Wen-yi, ZHANG Ye-hui and WANG Tao

2016, 0 (6): 33-   

Analysis on vertical water temperature and its influencing factors in front of Zhushou reservoir dam in Baihetan basin

TIAN Qing-rui, FANG De-xiang and REN Cai

2016, 0 (6): 40-   

Research and application of de-icing methods for gates in cold region

GAO Zhi- yuan and DIAO Yan-bin

2016, 0 (6): 44-   

Design and arrangement of hydraulic steel structure of Upper Paunglaung hydropower project

WANG Chu-jun and JI Xue-song

2016, 0 (6): 47-   

Repair, maintenance and management of sluice devices of Xinglong hydraulic project

PENG Xiang-peng and WANG Chao

2016, 0 (6): 53-   

Public safety and security at dams are not mutually exclusive

William F. Foos, Frank Calcagno, Paul G. Schweiger

2016, 0 (6): 57-   

Definition of seasonal freeboards using risk analysis models

Vicent J. Espert-Canet, Manuel Gómez de Membrillera-Ortu?o

2016, 0 (6): 63-