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Current Issue

Design study

Design of pouring asphalt concrete core wall in Maihaiyin reservoir

2012, 0 (2): 1-4   

Optimization design of the river diversion and flood control

2012, 0 (2): 5-8   

Operation management

The durability of concrete dams in service

2012, 0 (2): 9-18   

Safety——the first factor in consideration for layout design of a hydropower station

2012, 0 (2): 19-21   

Reflection on reservoir operation after 7.23 flood in 2010

2012, 0 (2): 22-24   

Monitoring management

Survey of deformation monitoring of concrete dams

2012, 0 (2): 25-29   

Innovation of the automatic monitoring system of Manwan hydropower station

2012, 0 (2): 30-34   

Monitoring instrument

Study on route selection of strip road based on UAV aerial photogrammetry

2012, 0 (2): 35-38   

Influence of temperature on wire strain gauge in concrete

2012, 0 (2): 39-42   

Data analysis

Analysis on the seepage monitoring data of Heiquan reservoir

2012, 0 (2): 43-46   

Construction technology

Measures of real-time audition in reclamation project construction stage

2012, 0 (2): 47-49   

Construction and management of site laboratory of hydropower project

2012, 0 (2): 50-53   

Metal structure

Leakage treatment of oil cooler in unit No. 4 of Lianhua hydropower station

2012, 0 (2): 54-55   

Analysis on tripping accident caused by main transformer gap protection action as lightning struck on power transmission line

2012, 0 (2): 56-59   

Technology information overseas

Main conclusions of CADAM project and introduction of IMPACT project

2012, 0 (2): 60-63   

Test data of work package 2——Breach Formation and main conclusions

2012, 0 (2): 64-68