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Survey of deformation monitoring of concrete dams

SHEN Jing and WANG Yu-jie   

  • Published:2012-04-28



  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: A detailed survey of deformation monitoring systems was made for the dams whose periodical inspections were carried out in 2009. The monitoring methods, operation state and monitoring precision were summed up. The performance and main problems in aspects including monitoring item integrity, layout rationality, method suitability, instrument eligibility, data reliability, calculation exactness and observation frequency in deformation monitoring of concrete dam were analyzed.

摘要: 针对2009 年度开展定期检查的混凝土坝,对其变形监测使用的监测方法进行统计,对监测方法的使用情况、观测精度进行分析,并从监测项目完备性、测点布置合理性、观测测值可靠性、观测方法合适性、计算方法正确性、观测仪器合格性和观测频次达标性7 个方面分析了各混凝土坝变形监测系统存在的主要问题。